The HOPE Foundation Fund
The HOPE Foundation Fund provides grants to Big Spring ISD teachers who use those dollars to enhance the learning opportunities for their students. Teachers frequently think of creative ways they would like to reach students, but the money for special projects is not always available. The HOPE Foundation Fund was created within the Big Spring Area Community Foundation by former Big Spring ISD Trustee Ken McIntosh to address this dilemma. In August of 2015, with a few hundred dollars left over from a Bauer Elementary fundraiser, Mr. McIntosh started the HOPE Foundation Fund. A teacher at BSHS, Virginia Miller, actually came up with the name for the endowment. HOPE stands for Help Our Pupils Excel. Virginia was a lifelong dedicated educator. Upon her passing in August 2020, Virginia left $100,000.00 to the HOPE Foundation. In 2022, the HOPE Foundation awarded grants totaling $38,840.00 to eight Big Spring ISD teachers.
Ken McIntosh
Founder of the HOPE Foundation Fund
One of the 2022 HOPE Foundation Recipients Ashley Morgan and Big Spring Area Community Foundation Executive Director George Bancroft
HOPE Foundation President and one the 2022 HOPE Foundation Grant Recipients Brian Moss
Virginia Miller
HOPE Foundation pioneer and significant donor